Identifying what’s true and what’s not about the prevention and treatment of the flu.

So what should you do if you have the flu?
Take vitamin C? Gargle salt-water? Eat garlic? When it comes to treating the flu, everyone has their favourite home remedies. But do they actually work?
Here we describe what’s true and what’s false when it comes to beating the flu. And what’s more, if you click on a panel below, you can learn more about that topic.

The flu and COVID-19

The flu and COVID-19 are caused by the same virus

Unlike COVID-19, the flu can be treated effectively

The flu doesn’t spread fast like COVID-19
Flu antivirals vs over-the-counter flu remedies or antibiotics

You need a prescription for antiviral flu medication

Antibiotics are a good treatment for the flu

Over-the-counter flu medicines can cure the flu
The flu vaccine

The flu vaccine can give you the flu

Only high-risk groups such as pregnant women and older people need a vaccine

You don’t need a flu vaccine every year

A flu vaccine protects you from all types of the flu

Some people are allergic to vaccine ingredients

There is no difference between a vaccine and an immunisation
Flu symptom relief

The flu is just a bad cold – the symptoms are the same

Chicken soup can cure the flu

The flu isn’t a serious illness

Antivirals can help ease symptoms of the flu
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